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Hey! - You've Got a Nerve!


Did you know, research shows that Reflexology is great for your nerves?!

The feet and hands are abundant with sensory nerves.

Stimulating pressure points and sensory nerves of the feet seems to have an effect on the Autonomic Nervous System

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is divided into: -

- Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS, which prepares the body in stressful situations; commonly referred to as “Flight, Fight, Freeze”, and

- Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS, which stimulates the opposite actions in organs to that produced by SNS - that is - it slows the heart rate, relaxing the body and mind, following a 'Flight, fight freeze' 'event'.

There have been studies undertaken which support this understanding: -

“Reflexology has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress. The mechanism by which this occurs may be in modulating autonomic nervous system (ANS) function; however; there is limited evidence available in the area”

“There were significant reductions in systolic blood pressure (SBP) (22%; P = .03) and in diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (26%; P = .01) during mental stress following reflexology compared to the stress period prior to intervention”

Extract from:

Authors -

Hughes, Ciara; Krirsnakriengkrai; Kumar, S; Mcdonough, Suzanne PY

Article published in: Alternative therapies in health and medicine 17(3):32-7 · May 2011

If you are suffering from illness always first consult your GP before beginning any course of Holistic Therapy. Reflexology and other complimentary alternative medicines are intended for use as part of an overall health care plan


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