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Feeling Sensitive?! - We Are Sensory Beings!

Sensitivity Spectrum

Diversity ensures the survival of a species. We are all aware that our human population is made up of combinations of people with different genetic traits. We can absorb and communicate information in very different ways. So too there are varying ways that individuals experience and respond to sensory stimuli

Pain Response

Research exploring human pain response shows that the level of pain experienced by an individual varies dependent on the level of beta endorphins produced by the body. As an indicator; women generally produce less beta endorphins (except during pregnancy) than men.

Additionally, those regions of the brain that relate to internal thoughts and controlling attention, have been observed in relation to pain experience. It seems there is more grey matter present for individuals that do not experience pain so intensely.

A varied genetic make-up will ensure the success of a species, and so it's beneficial that we have a rich and diverse cross-section of character traits!

Sensory Processing Sensitivity

Studies have explored sensory processing sensitivity. Highly sensitive people (HSP) account for up to twenty percent of the population. These individuals have a heightened sense of taste and smell. They will absorb a lot information and it will take them longer to process this. They tend to abhor violence and ugliness and will seek out harmony and calm in their environment and friendships. They may be able to ‘read’ the energy in the environment and sense when danger is approaching.

Individuals with lower sensitivity may be less inclined to worry about potential threats, if ultimately, they experience less pain. They can deal with images of violence and ugliness more easily. They may be inclined to take risks. With less to sensory process they can move through the environment more rapidly. Low Sensitivity Risktakers may be able to provide the visual feedback to help the HSP expand their sensory awareness as to what the unseen risks could be.

Both types of individuals are often wrongly misaligned; the HSP’s for being emotional, the LSR’s for being too reckless. Yet both are vitally important for human survival!

These different types of sensory individuals, by working together and utilising their skills within a group can produce a winning combination that ensures the species stays alive!

Embrace your level of sensory perception!!

The human nervous system is amazing. It continuously transmits information to and from our brains – even whilst we sleep!

Sensory receptors communicate information to the brain. They are sensing: -

- what is happening inside the body, such as the function of internal organs

- the body’s motor function; movement, position, balance

- information from the environment; the world surrounding the body

Our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin are all sensory organs receiving information about the environment around us.

The feet and hands have a density of sensory receptors that can send high levels of information to the brain

Through pressuring pressure points on the feet (also hands and face), the stimulation of nerves relating to cells and organs has been shown to have a beneficial action on the central nervous system and may help promote effective circulation, blood, and keep the brain optimised!


Reflexology and other complimentary alternative medicines are great for use as part of an overall health care plan. If you are suffering from illness it's good to first discuss your requirements with your GP or health specialist prior to commencing a course of Holistic Therapy


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