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Don’t get stressed about stress!

Research into Stress

Research from America estimates that between 75% - 90% of visits to the GP are due to Stress Related illness and account for three quarters of All Doctor bills.

Stress is estimated to be a $1 trillion health epidemic - that's more expensive than the cost of cancer, smoking, diabetes, and heart disease combined

My earlier post "The Right Pressure is Good" (21 Feb 2019) highlighted that in the UK the HSE (Health & Safety Executive) statistics are that a whopping 12.5 million working days were lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2016/17, and, in 2009/12 - 44% of that stress was due to workload!

Recent studies have also highlighted how stress can impact the body detrimentally: -

- disturbing sleep patterns

- impact Cortisol and disrupt levels of insulin, raise blood sugar, affect appetite and fat absorption in the body

- Suppress the effectiveness of the Lymphatic System and Immunity

Taking time to self nurture, taking care of ourselves is so important. Only you can take that step - it might be preventative medicine!

We know the good stuff: -

- Include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit in your diet

- Walk in nature - it decreases anxiety, rumination and preserves a positive affect!

- Jump! Trampolining is meant to be great for energising the lymph system. Running is also good for lymph - make time for some regular activity and exercise!

- Drink plenty of fresh water - it supports the lymph system and immunity; helping the body to eliminate harmful toxins

- Find a stream, river or the sea to sit beside - and go swimming!

- Sleep well - its important for cleaning the brain!

- Visit your reflexologist!

Reflexology combined as part of your overall health and wellness can be a good way to regularly de-stress

Reflexology and other complimentary alternative medicines are great for use as part of an overall health care plan. If you are suffering from illness it's good to first discuss your requirements with your GP or health specialist prior to commencing a course of Holistic Therapy

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